Career Bees

Career Bees is a Forestry add-on mod that lets bees be competitive with some of the more techy mods. The effects are (supposed to be) active only on a given type of bee. The Career Bees Curseforge site has a list of all the bees and effects. Since by this point I'm sure you've got the general hang of bee breeding, I’m just going to mention a few things here to get let you get started, and talk about a small selection of the bees offered by this mod.

To get started, you'll need a couple of vanilla Forestry bees. The Student Bee is a possible combination from crossing a Common with a Cultivated bee. I strongly suggest using the Advanced Mutatron to get the right combination if you haven't already made it, as it may also mutate into a Noble bee. After that, crossing the Student Bee with a Common Bee will lead to either the Collecting Bee or Graduate Bee; once you have Graduate Bees, you'll have quite a few options available to you. You may want to breed extra Graduate Bees to use in mutations at this point.

If you put a Career Bee into a Portable Analyzer, you can hover over the effect name to see a longer description of what the effect does.

Some bees’ effects will only work on an item on a Flower Pedestal. These just have to be placed somewhere in the bee’s territory. You can place as many as you wish. A bee with average territory is a fairly large area - if you're within say a chunk of the apiary, it should be fine. Simply right click or pipe items directly into the flower pedestal to insert/remove them.

To increase the output of bees, you typically want to increase their speed and production, both with modifying their genes and apiary upgrades. They would also be affected by things like accelerator wands and temporal bees, though I don't want to encourage it because the server admin will kill me it's not healthy for multiplayer servers. Bee a good neighbor and don't accelerate everything!

Flower Pedestal
Collector Bee - Effect: Wombling (collects items)
This is a fun bee since it’s basically an absorption hopper with a (potentially) huge radius. Only downsides are that it only collects items (not exp orbs) and there doesn’t appear to be any way to filter what it picks up. It is handy if you’d like to pair with Police Bees though.
Collector Bee
Tax Collector Bee - Taxation (generates loot from hostile mobs)
One of my favorite bees, this will produce mob drops from hostile mobs in their territory without killing them. (After all, you can't tax a dead mob) It does not appear to produce armor drops or Solidified Experience, but it does appear to get player-only drops like Blaze Rods. So I found these to be great for guaranteeing a steady supply of relevant drops with only a single mob. The downside is that mobs, even nametagged ones, will get killed if a /killall command is used, so you may want to keep spare copies of mobs in a Mob Imprisonment Tool or Summoning Pendulum.
Police Bee
Police Bee - Effect: Policing (attacks hostile mobs)
This kills hostile mobs with a slightly increased drop rate, and is great for killing things in inaccessable locations. They aren't as productive as say, a fully upgraded mob masher, and it is difficult to control their area of effect, but they can provide a pretty decent range of protection. An individual queen might only do ~2-4 hearts of damage a tick, and this effect will increase with more Police Bees. A benefit and downside is that a police report is produced with every kill, and while amusing, they will quickly produce a lot of clutter, stopping your bees from operating unless the apiary is cleaned. From my own observations, they seem to bring back items from the normal loot table like Tax Collector bees do, but items that generate from killing a mob (armor, heads, exp orbs) are left on the ground.
Armorer Bee - Effect: Armoring (adds an armor buff to your armor)
One of my must-have bees, since it stacks up with enchantments with virtually no cost. The effect stacks up to +100% when they are done, and it is permanent. Note that it may not work on some modded equipment, ex. Mekanism's Atomic Disassembler. Must place equipment on nearby Flower Pedestals to work.
Sharpening Bee - Effect: Sharpening (adds an attack buff to your weapons)
This complements the armorer bee by adding up to +5 attack to your swords, bows, and tools. It is also permanent. Note that it may not work on some modded equipment, ex. Thermal Expansion bows. Must place equipment on nearby Flower Pedestals to work.
Repair Bee - Effect: Repairer (repairs equipment)
These bees are great for low-cost repairs. It will definitely work on anything that can be repaired in an anvil; note that certain items cannot be repaired (Extra Utilities's Glass Cutter, Actually Additions's Knife, anvils, etc.). Must place equipment on nearby Flower Pedestals to work.
Miner Bee - Effect: Mining (mines ores)
These allow you to quarry ores beneath the apiary, anywhere within its territory. It will also mine modded ores. They will however, leave gaps where ores have been removed. The basic Miner bee will act as if breaking ores with an unenchanted pickaxe.
Fortunate Miner Bee - Effect: Fortune Mining (Fortune III's ores)
An upgrade to the Miner Bee, it works the same way but will mine them with Fortune III.
Silky Miner Bee - Effect: Silk Touch Mining (Silk Touches ores)
An upgrade to the Miner Bee, these will produce silk-touched ores instead. They also will mine things like Lava and Water source blocks from Tiny Progressions.
Energy Bee
Energy Bee - Effect: RF Inducing (produces RF)
These fill directly adjacent machines with RF. This cannot be modified with territory upgrades. These will only do about 2-3 rf/tick in their basic form, and are a bit underwhelming. However! If you modify their genes to have the fastest speed, and add production upgrades to their apiary, a single queen can hit about ~171 kRF/tick from my own measurements. It seems that they do not fill all adjacent batteries simultaneously, but instead pick one to target awhile, then move on to a random one a few cycles later. I'm currently using these to power my base.
Plague Bee - Effect: Curative (cures negative effects & slight healing effect to entities)
These do work, but I've noticed some... odd behavior if you're also affected by Environmental Tech's personal nanobots as your buffs seem to get removed and reapplied repeatedly awhile. If you're not using that though, then these are definitely awesome bees to have around.
Assassin Bee
Assassin Bee - Effect: Assassinate (instantly kills active queens in nearby hives)
This bee is great when you're just doing some breeding / just mutated a bee and want to have a princess and drone to modify. You can insert this into a Bee-Bee Gun for more dramatic effects. The Bee-Bee Gun needs to be filled with honey to work - you can use an EnderIO tank to do this.
Collector Bee Police Bee Energy Bee Assassin Bee